The General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, Inc is a 501(c)(3) and donations made are 100% tax-deductible. (EIN): 30-0989628

From a theological perspective, building bridges between differences is fundamental to our faith,” Kirk adds. “There is so much that is dividing our church and communities right now. But in Christ, those barriers can come down.” 

The Sims have found that immigrants—whether they leave home by choice or by force—often display a remarkable tenacity of faith and radical acceptance of others that uniquely equip them to reinvigorate and expand the reach of the gospel and the church today. 

Your gift to Global Ministries enables missionaries like this remarkable husband-wife team to help minister within the changing landscape of the global church, build bridges across cultural divides and support the challenges of the greatest migratory movement the world has seen since World War II.

Building Bridges in a Divided World

For Rev. Kirk Sims, we live today at a “catalytic” crossroads in the life of the church and in the history of the Czech Republic, in which Prague serves as a nexus of native-born Czechs and growing numbers of immigrants drawn by choice and forced displacement alike. 

Join this servant-hearted husband-wife team in sharing the gift of God’s lavish love for all people. 

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Like his wife the Rev. Nicole Haack Sims, Kirk is ordained in The United Methodist Church. He also holds a Ph.D. in religious/mission studies and serves as a consultant and theological educator in the Czech Republic Annual Conference. He is committed to helping the global church meet the challenges—and reap the unexpected blessings—of the world’s most significant migratory movement since World War II. 

“I want to lean into God’s incredibly lavish heart for all the peoples of the earth,” says Kirk. “When we experience the church outside our established cultural context, we give our faith and our love for people the opportunity to grow.” 

Merge your story with God’s missionYour gift of any size matters.